I have to admit, this list started as a 100 things to do list. But I got stuck. And since I didn't want to put stupid stuff down for the sake of having a nice round list, I decided to leave it at 37. A wonky list to go with a wonky blogger.
- Make my own marshmallows
- Experiment with different flavors of said marshmallows
- Hang shelves above my desk
- Put craft supplies in matching boxes on shelves
- Sew a piece of clothing for myself
- Knit a pair of socks (and not stop after one sock is done)
Make chicken stockDone: 1/5/09- Use stock to make chicken soup
- Make Grandma's noodles for soup
- Get all our boxes unpacked
- Sort old clothes and donate some (or all) to goodwill
- Decorate our guest room
- Paint my hall bathroom
- Put up tin backsplash in kitchen
- Paint kitchen cabinets
- Make headboard for our bed
- Send 5 letters, hand written, physically mailed
- Participate in one of those "365 days of" photo challenges
- Blog every day for 30 days
- Reduce our garbage output
- Replace kitchen sink faucet
- Make some art for the house
- Visit the Phoenix Zoo
Take the dogs to Flagstaff while there is snow on the groundThey LOVED it!- Get a library card
- Read one book per month from library
- Get garage door fixed
- Grow my hair out (I will NOT get it cut, other than trims to even it out as it grows)
- Learn to use my Canon Digital Rebel thoroughly
- Walk for at least 10 minutes a day
- Eat a vegetable or fruit at every meal
- Eliminate soda for one month
- Update address book
- Send Christmas cards
- Host a party
- Twitter at least once a day
- Make pierogies from scratch