Thursday, July 06, 2006

Wow, a real project!

Ok, here is a purse I knitted awhile ago. It hardly took one skein, knit on size 13 circulars. I believe it is Wool in the Woods brand (if my memory serves) and it is a llama/wool blend. Colors are gorgeous, although quite faded in the final felting. Straps turned out all stripey and awesome.

I think it took me about 2 days to finish. Knitting it up on such big needles went really fast. I messed up on the sides though, and tucked them all weird. Looking back, I think I should have ignored the tucks, and just felted it and shaped it square. Still, unexpectedly it turned out kind of a strange oblong squareish shape, which I dig heartily.

Because of the llama, the bag turned out REALLY hairy. I wasn't too happy with that, so I shaved it. Yeah, I shaved my bag. You wanna start somethin'? It's not that I hate the hair, I just didn't like the amount of furryness about the thing. No worries though. The bag sheds like my three cats combined, so it is progressively becoming less hairy. Here is a closeup of the hairyness in all its glory. The pin says "A fat ass is a sign of a life well lived."

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