With every passing week, it has been harder and harder to write something. I think it's the constant buildup of shame that I have neglected the blog this long. There's a good reason, though, I promise. It's called "OMG there's so much stuff to do for classes and this wedding planning thing and OMG OMG I need to find a job." They are the unholy trinity of stressors that have converged on my life all at the same time.
I haven't worked on my wedding stole AT ALL which is worrisome given how slow I knit in general. I did some primary layout work for the invitations though. I swear, those $@&#ing invitations. I thought it'd be cheaper to do it myself, but it's expensive. True, they are cheaper than similar looking invites that are done professionally, but at this point all I want to do is buy some $25 invitation kit, print 'em up, and send 'em out. I keep telling myself that the invitations will be gorgeous. I've just sort of stumbled into an ennui about the whole planning process. Ok, that's not totally true. If someone were to come take over the planning, I'd probably kick them in the shins. But seriously, I just can't wait until the actual day... and mostly because I know all the planning and the tedious little details will be done by then.
On the other side of the issue, the wedding is going to be GORGEOUS, y'all. I'm going to the cake and catering meeting next week, so I'll actually know my menu. I already know about the cake: Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate! It's my wedding and I want a chocolate cake, dammit!
The kitties are all fine. Frodo is up to his old tricks of stepping on my ribs at 3am. Tweek still destroys things. Mia is still unbearably cuddly, and Evie is still silly. Maybe I will post a purely photographic entry sometime soon. Guess I will have to go out and take some more pics.