Monday, February 14, 2011

If you don't have anything to blog about...

... then don't blog anything at all. That's kind of what I thought when I drifted away from this blog almost 2 years ago. Life was life... working, taking care of husband and animals, sleeping. I wasn't doing much in the way of crafting, traveling, cooking, or anything else. But now, oh dear readers, now I have so much to tell you.

I have started down the road towards Bariatric Surgery. There came a point in my life when I realized that I needed to get serious about losing all this weight. I will be 30 years old on August 25th, and I want to start this decade out right. I'm not doing it so I can look cute in clothes. I'm not doing it so that I wear high heels. I'm doing it to get healthy... to have a baby. That's some serious bizness y'all. Every single reason I have for having this surgery stems from a health/ability standpoint. Looking good and wearing small clothes are a bonus, I really could care less.

I have been blogging my progress on the ObesityHelp website, but I will be cross posting here as well. I am not going to make promieses to post every day or even every week. But I do promise to blog frequently. I will be taking "before" photos this coming weekend (fully clothed, not in undies you pervs) and posting them as well.

I am blogging all of this for me, mostly. To keep a record of the journey. But if I can help someone else with their struggles with weight, even better.