Despite erratic weather patterns, we had a semi-white Christmas. The snow was sad and tired (and half melted), but it was there and that's what counts. My parents came here to spend Christmas with me and The Boy. SantaDad brought the cats a whole box (I mean like a shoebox) full of packages of treats. They, as usual, seemed to ignore most of what was going on, but Tweek ripped open a whole bag of treats before we saw it coming. So now the treat bags are hiding in the pantry, away from prying little jaws. Our Christmas tree was knocked over only a couple times, which I think is an all-time low. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the general loafing around.
It was a good haul this year too. I got a new Bernette sewing machine, an immersion blender, some bento toys, a silpat, and some bread baking books. Mom also bought me The Sims 2 Pets, which has been eating up most of my time lately. I've been cultivating my own personal musk over the last few days. It is my general tendency to take showers when I leave the house, but usually when I have no where to go I just marinate. Natural oils are good for the hair, and my skin dries out easily after bathing. But mostly I blame The Sims for the current state of funkiness.
The Sickness has now settled upon The Boy. I was pretty miserable all through the holiday season, and therefore have done any knitting (or anything productive, for that matter). And then The Boy got a fever last night, so it doesn't look like knitting is on the near horizon either. Actually, I've been going through a crafting slump. There are days when all I think about is yarn or knitting, and I can't sleep because of the visions of Bearfoote dancing around my head. But then there are times like this, where I haven't knitted and for some reason I just don't want to. The slump usually lasts a couple of months. What I need is to find a project that I'm REALLY excited about, and that should get me going again.
2006 has been pretty good to me, bringing me a wonderful man and a tweaky little kitty. 2007 is shaping up to be even better, with an engagement ring, a graduation, and a wedding. As always, I'll be posting the highlights. Until then, I'm going to go soak in a tub with my new Lush products!
Friday, December 29, 2006
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Holidays and Head Colds
I know I haven't posted in awhile. I really haven't gotten anything done that is note worthy. Mostly I've been trying to purge my head of mucus, which has taken almost all of my energy. I've been planning Christmas dinner too, since my parents are coming here. It's their first Christmas at my house, so I want to make it special. Mostly I've been sitting at my computer playing World of Warcrack, with tissues and decongestants handy.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Sunday, December 17, 2006
New springform pan!
My mom gave me this awesome-o springform pan. It's nonstick and it has a glass (glass!) base so it's really pretty. It also came with a fluted insert for making Bundt, but since I don't make Bundt, I decided to christen the pan in a new way. BUTTERMILK DINNER ROLLS!

Saturday, December 16, 2006
Finally free.

The Boy
Friday, December 15, 2006
I know, I know
*grumble grumble* finals *grumble grumble*
I'll get a post up in the next couple days, honest.
I'll get a post up in the next couple days, honest.
Friday, December 08, 2006
Another day, another loaf
Well we ate the sandwich loaf pretty dang fast. I decided to make another loaf, but I didn't have any milk so I used a more basic recipe. The loaf came out looking pretty much like the red-headded step-child of my baking career. It tastes ok though. I don't think I let it rise long enough. Oh well, live and learn.
And no, I haven't done much knitting other than stuff for chistmas presents. Nothing is done yet, so I have no photos to post. Bad Hobbit.
And no, I haven't done much knitting other than stuff for chistmas presents. Nothing is done yet, so I have no photos to post. Bad Hobbit.
Thursday, December 07, 2006
My first sandwich loaf

I've been baking a lot lately and last night I made my first white sandwich loaf. Now, most of my breads come out all wonky shaped and not much capable of being a sandwich bread. This one came out perfect! The crumb is very nice, and the crust is a little crisp but not so crunchy you feel like you're gnawing on a piece of bark. And the color and shape is perfect too! Yay me! I'm going to make this loaf a lot. It was really really easy, and no sponge to care for or anything. I do want to make bread with a bread sponge sometime, but this is definately an easy "start in the early afternoon, and it's ready by dinnertime" bread.
Monday, December 04, 2006
Baking Results!

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