Friday, June 27, 2008

Ok, not so triumphant

I have this real problem blogging when I don't have any new photos to post. I really should just put some random little blips up more often. Anyway, to recap the last month, we got a freak snowstorm/blizzard in May. It was insane, and everyone was like "what the hell?" The storm continued all day (we got about an inch of snow total). In the late afternoon the snow stopped, and the ground cover started melting. It was gone by the next day, but still, a late May snowstorm is just plain weird. Then, that same week, we got a wicked wind storm. As I was driving around looking for a parking spot, I noticed that someone was going to have a very bad day:
It turns out, the car belonged to someone who works in my office. The back windshield was totaled, and the trunk had some major dents and scratches. It was over $2000 in damages. Stupid wind.

On a cuter note, I finally uploaded photos from when I went to the Renaissance Faire with a friend and her little munchkin. Here's a photo:

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